Swamp Thing Wiki

"I know... that there must be an answer... a light in the blackness... but I don't know... if I can find it... on my own. Constantine... Constantine... where are you...? Why... did you leave me... in the dark...?"
Swamp Thing



In Louisiana, Swamp Thing visits Abby Holland in her home by generating a body for himself from the flora in her bathroom plumbing. He expresses his worry that Constantine's silence has left him with too many mysteries, and it has left him feeling uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Abby's behavior gives the impression she's more concerned about the cleanliness of her furniture with a walking swamp in her house. Swamp Thing realizes that he is being an inconvenience, and sadly returns to the swamp.

In Gotham City, Constantine recruits Steve Dayton, reassuring him that the coming crisis is nothing to worry about. Outside, they encounter Batman, who warns them to go inside, but upon realizing that Steve is actually Mento of the Doom Patrol, he leaves them alone.

Meanwhile, in Louisiana, a man is murdered by a serial killer who calls himself the Bogeyman, and who remembers all of his 165 victims by their eyes and in the order in which he killed them. A shortcut the Bogeyman takes brings him into contact with the Swamp Thing, who found the body of his earlier victim. The murderer comes to believe that the Swamp Thing is the new Bogeyman – his replacement. As he struggles to escape, the killer falls into the mud and sinks below the surface where he is tormented by the spirits of his victims as he drowns.

In her home, Abby receives a call from John Constantine telling her to send Swamp Thing to San Miguel, California, for the "last stop before the finale."




Behind the Scenes[]

  • Coming Soon


  • Coming Soon


  • Constantine makes a references to the film version of 2001: A Space Odyssey in which he finds the bizarre color and lightning patterns in the sky "a bit like 2001." He is referring specifically to the psychedelic "Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite" sequence towards the end of the movie.

See Also[]

  • Coming Soon

External links[]
